Some interesting facts well known (may be) to everybody:
This tepmle is considered to be one of the Architectural wonders of the world.
Built by Rajaraja Chozhan - The Great was built some 1000 years ago around 1002 A.D.
It is believed that its the Britishers who first framed administrative rules but it is Rajaraja Chozhan who framed them first. The proof can be found on the writings / inscriptions all over the temple. The writings also give us the information about all the people who were involved in constructing this huge monument.
The 'Vimana' - or the temple tower - is 216 ft (66 m) high.
The Kalash or 'Shikhara' (bulbous structure on the top) of the temple is itself very large and heavy (81.25 tons).
There is a big statue of Nandi (sacred bull), carved out of a single rock, at the entrance measuring about 16 feet long and 13 feet high
Photograph 1. By Jeyaram on 24th September 2009

The Tanjore Temple differs from many other big temples in Tamilnadu. The other temples do not have such beautiful and large open spaces.The inner court is about 500 feet long and 250 feet broad. The court is surrounded on all sides by a cloister.
Photograph 2. By Jeyaram Taken on 24th September 2009

The Brihadishwara Temple also known as Big temple at Thanjavur is the world's first complete granite temple and a brilliant example of the major heights achieved by Cholas in temple architecture. It was built by RajaRaja Chola I and remains as one of the greatest glories of Indian architecture.
Photograph 3. By Jeyaram Taken on 24th September 2009
Photograph 4. By Jeyaram Taken on the 24th September 2009
Thanjavur brihadeesvara Temple/Big Temple - the world's first granite temple. And one of the largest temples in India if not the largest. Built by Raja raja Cholan - the most noble of the ancient Tamil Dynasty called Cholas.
RajaRaja ruled the south of india from 985 AD to 1014 AD, uniting three different kingdoms under him. He was the first Sailor king of India, and influenced much of the culture of Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore - Angkor Vat in Cambodia is built in the Dravidian style of temple building and was a result of Chola influence in these areas.
This temple, besides being the first granite structure, is unique in the the shadow of the vimana or the pagoda never falls on the ground.
Photograph 5. By Jeyaram Taken on the 24th September 2009
Photograph 6. By Jeyaram Taken on the 24th September 2009
The temple tower or ‘Gopuram’ is built in fourteen storeys and said to be 216 ft high. It is among the tallest of its kind in India, complete with images of gods of the Hindu pantheon sculpted onto it. The large bulbous/dome shaped structure right at the top of the gopuram is also said to be a monolith and estimated to weigh 80 tons. It is believed that in order to get this structure to the top of the tower, an inclined plane was built starting four miles north-east of the city!!
Photograph 7. By Jeyaram Taken on the 24th September 2009
Photograph 8. By Jeyaram Taken on the 24th September 2009

Photograph 9. By Jeyaram Taken on the 24th September 2009
Kallanai By Karikal Cholan
Photographed on 24th September 2009
By Jeyaram
Kallanai By Karikal Cholan Another View. Photographed on 24th September 2009
By Jeyaram
Statue of Manu Neethee Cholan at Madras High Court
Photographed By Jeyaram
Satue of Karikal Cholan at kallanai
Photographed By Jeyaram
நான், இளவழுதி காலிங்கராயர் வீரராசன், தஞ்சை மாவட்டத்தில், ஒரத்தநாடு அருகில் பின்னையூர் எனும் கிராமத்தில் மொழிப்போர் தியாகி வீரராசன் காலிங்கராயர் மாரிமுத்து வீரராசன் தம்பதியரின் இயைய மகன். கணினி மெல்லுனராக சென்னையில் பணிபுரிந்து வருகிறேன்.
ReplyDeleteநம்மின வீரத்தையும் பண்பாட்டையும் வரலாறையும் எமக்கு எடுத்துரைத்து எங்களை வழிநடத்தும் திரு. வ. பழனியப்பன் அவர்கள் மூலமாக இங்கு வரும் வாய்ப்பு அமைந்தது.
நல்லதொரு ஆக்கமாகவும், நம்மின வரலாறையும் தொகுத்துள்ளீர். நன்றி!..
பத்தோடு பதிணொன்றாக ஆகாமல், அரசியல், பதவி எனும் மோகத்தில் விழாமல் நம் இனம் நம் கொள்கைகளை மட்டும் உயர்த்தி பிடித்து, ஒன்று சேர்ப்போம் நாடாண்ட கள்ளரினத்தை!..
வாழ்த்துக்களுடன்... இளவழுதி காலிங்கராயர்
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Warm Regards.
Jeyaram Kandiyar Kiruphakaran.