Email: kallarperavai@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: 0091 9790081342 (International Roaming)
Web Sites: www.kallarperavai.webs.com
Welcome to International Kallar Peravai.
We the Kallar Community living overseas formed the above Peravai purely with the intention of helping the needy Kallars to uplift their economic standards. Our intentions are not politically based but to identify the Kallar Community as the rulers of Tamilnadu in the yester years.
We lost our pride due to various reasons and today our children are totally neglected in every sphere of activities. In terms of education, employment and economic development our gains are less and lost are more.
The International Kallar Peravai is requesting each and every Kallar living in India as well as those living overseas to register with us. Whether you are rich, middle class or the Poor we need your support to build our Vision & Mission a success.
Our Aim
Help the needy Kallar community students to pay their School & College fee.
Help Qualified Engineers, Doctors, Accountants, and other professionals including Teachers, Nurse,Carpenters, Electricians, mechanics, Drivers etc from Kallar community to find employment overseas. (Free of Cost)
Help PG students to gain admission in overseas universities with part time employment to support their educational career. (Free of Cost)
Arrange and fix marriage proposals for Brides and Grooms from our Data bank. (Free of Cost)
Build and run Engineering, Medical and Arts Colleges in Tamilnadu to offer admissions for the students of Kallar Community.
To fulfill our aim we kindly request you to fill the attached Application form and send it to us as early as possible. (No Application fee and Membership fee)
Thank You.
Yours Faithfully
Jeyaram Kandiyar Kiruphakaran.
(Founder and General Secretary)
Overseas Offices:
United Kingdom. Singapore. Malaysia. India. Dubai. Qatar. Kuwait. Oman. Abu Dhabi. Canada. Australia and New Zealand.
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